data stewardship for WASH Center
Global Health Engineering, ETH Zurich
February 6, 2025
term | explanation | file format |
unprocessed raw data | data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file type | often XLSX, also CSV and others |
term | explanation | file format |
unprocessed raw data | data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file type | often XLSX, also CSV and others |
processed analysis-ready data | data that is processed to prepare for an analysis and is exported in its new form as a new file | CSV, R data package |
term | explanation | file format |
unprocessed raw data | data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file type | often XLSX, also CSV and others |
processed analysis-ready data | data that is processed to prepare for an analysis and is exported in its new form as a new file | CSV, R data package |
final data underlying a publication | data that is the result of an analysis (e.g descriptive statistics or data visualization) and shown in a publication, but then also exported in its new form as a new file | CSV |
Activity 1.3: Identify how ethical approval for data collection differs for types of organizations (university, NGO) and types of data (quantitative, qualitative).
Activity 1.4: Identify current data management practices and develop a draft data management strategy for organization.
Activity 1.5: Publish at least 10 datasets of two different types that are available to the organization, following openwashdata data publishing workflow.
Activity 1.3: Identify how ethical approval for data collection differs for types of organizations (university, NGO) and types of data (quantitative, qualitative).
Activity 1.4: Identify current data management practices and develop a draft data management strategy for organization. Future
Activity 1.5: Publish at least 10 datasets of two different types that are available to the organization, following openwashdata data publishing workflow. Past
Community expansion
A the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Be able to use a common set of data science tools (R, RStudio IDE, Git, GitHub, tidyverse, Quarto) to illustrate and communicate the results of data analysis projects.
Learn to use the Quarto file format and the RStudio IDE visual editing mode to produce scholarly documents with citations, footnotes, cross-references, figures, and tables.
This project was supported by the Open Research Data Program of the ETH Board.
The slides were created via revealjs and Quarto:
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This material is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International.