Data: A Key to Unlocking Quality in WASH Programmes

Welcome to the side event page of “Data: A Key to Unlocking Quality in WASH programmes” for UNC Water and Health Conference 2023!


October 16, 2024

👋 Welcome

The data landscape in which WASH programmes are delivered is growing rapidly. Data is a critical resource for contemporary WASH projects, providing valuable insights into people, places, and programmes. However, there is still much to learn about how insights can be unlocked from these ever-growing data streams to drive more effective, efficient, and accountable programming.

Through a facilitated discussion, we hope to share perspectives on the current state and trajectory of WASH programme data, identify gaps and opportunities where data analytics and modelling could help improve programmes, and foster partnerships and collaboration between organisations working in this space.

We see tremendous opportunities for leveraging the power of data to improve the effectiveness of WASH interventions in humanitarian and development settings. By better using monitoring data to understand public health risks, prioritize responses, and enable evidence-based programmatic decision-making, we can better target interventions to those most in need, monitor progress, and ensure impact more effectively, and hold ourselves accountable to the communities we serve.

📆 Event Details

📝 Session Agenda

  • 8:30 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Introduction
  • 8:45 - 9:45 AM Discussion Groups
  • 9:45 - 10:00 AM Feedback in Plenary and Closing

🏁 Objectives

In this event, we aim to create space for an inclusive discussion between experts working on WASH data initiatives and users of WASH data products and technologies. We aim to:

  • Develop a collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities for leveraging field-level WASH data to generate insights for improving the effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability of WASH programmes.
  • Identify research gaps from the perspectives of implementers, donors, coordination platforms, and affected populations that could be addressed.
  • Discover who is working in this space and identify opportunities for collaboration and partnership.
  • Provide a space for showcasing data initiatives and ideas for future development that aim to improve WASH programming effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability.

💧 Discussion Themes

The following themes have been proposed to reflect the experience of the co-convenors:

  • Measuring what matters: Indicators and tools for data collection;
  • Open data – Transparency, attribution, privacy
  • Analysis and driving action – closing the loop
  • Data integration, forecasting and collaboration

💻 Virtual Engagement

This year UNC Water & Health Conference has virtual venue to participate in the conference. We welcome virtual participation in this event, register here to attend the UNC Water & Health online for free.
